Actualizado a fecha : 2025-03-26
Actualizado a fecha : 2025-03-26
Actualizado a fecha : 2025-03-26
Rey Juan Carlos University defines itself as a young and dynamic institution, at the service of the community, with a multitude of projects that bring the academic knowledge closer to the needs of society. We make this possible thanks to the multiple projects led by the professors and researchers of the University, in a structure of Faculties and Schools that collaborate with each other and are coordinated with central services.
To this end, the URJC has modern facilities equipped to meet the needs of teaching, as well as laboratories and other research infraestructures, spread over the five campuses of the University: Aranjuez, Alcorcón, Fuenlabrada, Madrid (with several seats) and Móstoles.
In addition, the URJC sets its sights outside Spain, participating in the European consortium EULIST, and with an increasing number of agreements with foreign entities that allow the ‘URJC brand’ to expand around the globe.
The URJC has more than 13,000 educational collaboration agreements signed with companies and organizations to carry out external practices fot its students in all areas of knowledge. We also have an employment exchange program with more than 750 companies that favors the employability of our recent graduates, offering job opportunities for their professional development. Thanks to the quality of our education and the increasingly consolidated ‘URJC brand’, we have become the first university in Madrid in terms of employability two years after graduation, and the university in Madrid with the highest employability in 4 of the 5 branches of knowledge.
Furthermore, we cannot conceive our University without understanding the diversity of the university community and the environment, which change every day and presents new challenges. The very nature of the URJC, with the motto "Non nova, sed nove", is expressed as a university that understands change and is open to it, being both reactive and proactive.
The URJC believes in social inclusion as one of its axes on which university values must grow. It would not be possible to provide a quality service and have an international outlook without a perspective of accessibility and inclusion. For this reason, the URJC has a Unit of Attention to People with Disabilities and Special Educational Needs, and is the only university that offers the "Degree in Spanish sign language and the deaf community" and the "Master's degree in inclusive education and universal design for learning". In addition, we generate projects and calls that promote accessibility, inclusion, integration, equality and sustainable development.
For these reasons, the Universia Foundation has considered the URJC as one of the most accessible universities in Spain, complying with 17 of its 18 indicators.
The URJC has a wide range of competitive sports (Madrid and Spanish Championships,as well asinternal leagues) in its facilities, and promotes healthy, egalitarian, and inclusive sports. Among the most outstanding athletes of the URJC are the current European Women’s Indoor Football Champions.
In the field of sports, accessibility is also a priority for the URJC, with award-winning students in Paralympic disciplines. In addition, the sports facilities are constantly being renovated and facilitate the practice of a wide range of sports.
The URJC serves as a forum for learning, transmiting, creating, serving... but also, to act. The URJC2030 Project is the institutional commitment to the achievement of the SDGs set out by the UN.
Connected with the SDGs, the URJC not only seeks equal opportunity for everyone, but also participates in a multitude of projects with municipalities, for the development of cities, and in calls for International Development Cooperation and international aid. For all this, the URJC collaborates with more than 50 social entities and more than 200 volunteer projects. On the other hand, the URJC is committed against gender violence and gender mainstreaming through its equality plan, our protocol against harassment, and the help offered by the Equality Unit and the Diversity Unit.
Not only gender culture is defended from the URJC, the intersectionality of the BLGATTIIQ+ struggle has led the University Library team to engage with the Diversity Unit to raise awareness of ethno-cultural diversity and has begun to purchase books on cultures that have been oppressed. In addition, general interest content has been promoted with the URJC Virtual Museum to facilitate access to culture.
The URJC works to fight against the socio-economic barriers that students may encounter: it offers financial and psychological aids. In addition, the URJC has a service-learning office and an office for animal-assisted interventions that attends to the needs of various groups in the socio-health and educational fields.
Also, the URJC has the University for the Elderly, aimed at people over fifty years of age who are eager to acquire new knowledge, and experiences of personal satisfaction'.
Finally, another of the URJC's commitments is training in sustainable development and in the fight against Climate Change, with more than 28,000 students trained in the last five years. To this end, the URJC has the Green Office, research focused on combating Climate Change, calls that promote scientific production on environmental sustainability, student associations and a multitude of green projects, such as the Mediterranean Botanical Garden, which has already begun its construction.
Actualizado a fecha: 08/02/2024
Copyright © 2014 Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
C/ Tulipán s/n 28933 Móstoles Madrid